Recreate the Time Lords?

To the Club Penguin Army community,

It has been a while since the army which I have led and co created, the Time Lords, have shut down. If you wish, you can recreate our army and launch a second generation.

I am off in ACP working as a mod, as is Kittyfashion101, and Peep128 has left to lead Elites, leaving the leadership empty. This army, to be recreated, needs a capable and experienced leader. If you wish to recreate the Time Lords and believe yourself to be capable enough to do it, please fill out this form in the form of a comment beneath this post. If you are accepted, I shall reply to your comment.

The form of recreation is as follows:

  1. What is your xat username?
  2. Army experience?
  3. Division? (US/UK/Ausia)
  4. Do you promise not to deface the Time Lords chat/website, and will you put your best effort into a possible second generation?

I shall give fair consideration to each and every submission.

Gallifrey Stands!

~Tamiyami, the First Doctor

About »๖̶̶̶ۣۜƬaмιуaмι«

I am currently in the Army of Club Penguin, my rank in which is 4th in command. Before I acquired this rank, I led and co-created the Time Lord of Club Penguin, which reached their zenith in 10th place on the CPAC Top Ten. In my six month(exactly on March 15th, 2016) tour I have made many friends and met many admirable people in this community.

Posted on January 28, 2016, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.


    What is your xat username? DarthBrad12
    Army experience? I have been In IW, SRA,Time Lords,4ic,Elemental Wave Leader and Creator Elites,4ic Elites Ghost,Leader In Training. Jalapenos Leader and 2ic Astro Army 2ic Special Forces Leader
    Division? (US/UK/Ausia US
    Do you promise not to deface the Time Lords chat/website, and will you put your best effort into a possible second generation? Yes will promise not to deface Time Lords

    Liked by 1 person

  2. wow, didn’t know you had a website Tami


  3. Where have you gone Tami? Please reach out to me.


    • kittyfashion101

      Hey Jay, I apologize but Tami has left us. He will not be participating in Club penguin armies any further. I hope you understand and don’t take it personally. Thank you!

      Liked by 1 person

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